Saturday, December 29, 2018

Hair Loss - Telogen Effluvium

Nov 18, I was facing some hair loss problem. Doctor said it might be Telogen Effluvium. It was a stressful period for me, my dog passed away and have some problems with my gut.

There's some indications of hair loss:

- Finding hair on my pillow
- when I run my finger down my hair, a few strands falls off
- Found lots of hair at the shower drain
- widening hair parting, and thinning hair.

Overall I was devastated, I didn't know what to do, but trying to find solutions everywhere.

I am not a doctor, but would like to share what I have done for my hair. If it helps or it works for you, it is great, but please understand that everyone's scalp or hair is different.

1) I went to the doctor for a blood test, the doctor will recommend you the set of blood test to run and check if you have any deficiency or other health issues.

2) Guava leaves tonic - I try to use natural hair tonic instead, it somehow helped my hair strengthen. Previously it falls off easily, and after using, it becomes stronger. The guava leaves hair tonic, stains my t-shirt and towel, and not easy to wash away. So it is better to use dark colored towels.

3) I went to see a dermatologist, after looking at my scalp, she said it looks normal, no red patch, there's dandruff. I did not do a scalp biopsy. The dermatologist sold me lots of products and after using her shampoo and hair mask, more hair fall off. So I stopped after 2 days. I did not use the minoxidil she prescribed after reading the reviews online.

4) I bought a -500 times USB HD portable electronic microscope skin hair follicles hair microscope. From there, I can see that there's dandruff, and my scalp is oily. To me, it is important to know your scalp condition, to have a better understanding.

5) Natur vital shampoo, currently I am using the sensitive Hops Shampoo, it is for dandruff, sensitive, frequent wash and for oily hair. I always recommend people who have hair loss problem to use this shampoo, I have tried and tested a few, and this is so far the best.

6) I bought a jet spray, previously I used on my face. But after seeing my hair stylist using this to apply tonic to the scalp, I try to use it on my scalp before I wash my hair, to see if it makes my scalp cleaner or remove the dandruff. It works, as my scalp itch lesser. Never use your finger to scratch your scalp, it might hurt your scalp.

7) Method: In the past I wash my hair twice a day, now I only wash it once a day. Personally, I use lukewarm water to wash my hair. Do not directly apply shampoo onto scalp. Wet your hair , lather the shampoo before applying on scalp, lightly use your finger tip to massage your scalp. After that wash your hair completely clean, without leaving any shampoo residue. Use a hair dryer (Hold it at a distance) to blow dry, ensure your scalp and hair is completely dry. Never comb your hair after wash and blow dry, always try to comb before washing. (That's one tip I learn from one tv programme)

8) From what I have learnt from my sinseh, blood and oxygen is the most important "food" to your body. So it means you have to relax and regulate your breathing, using correct breathing technique. Blood circulation on the scalp is also important, I always use the bottom of this massage stick to lightly tap on my head, I don't scratch my scalp when it's itchy.

This a Japanese variety show, also indicate that when your scalp becomes hard, it is hard to grow hair. When your scalp becomes soft, you have chances of increasing hair growth. They also teach you how to massage your scalp to soften it.

9) Comb, it is important to comb your hair. It helps improve circulation.

I prefer using these 2 other comb. The pink one is too big, the white one is smaller and makes it easier to comb. The black comb helps to style my hair, so it doesn't look so flat. Now I have a basket full of combs. =p

10) General care & personal view: In the past, I took it for granted that my hair is thick. It is until you face this problem, you will then realize how important hair is to everyone. Now I always bring an umbrella, I was afraid that people can see my scalp when it is wet, and sometimes rain water might not be good for our hair. I always try to wash my hair immediately when I am exposed to rain water.

In the past, I always wash my hair and didn't blow dry it. My mum always warned me about sleeping with my hair wet, or showering too late. They say it will cause "tou feng" -头风。  From what I read online, some people face this problem after weight loss surgery. I started to wonder if gastric gas or "wind" in the body, would have cause hair loss problem or migraine? I am not sure if there's a link to it, since gas cramps in the body is painful and can't be detected. Just some of my thoughts.



These 2 videos show you the points to remove "wind" in your body.

Personally, I am still struggling with this problem, but I hope to share what I have learnt along my way. I believe good information is worth sharing. Please don't give up. =)

11) Nutrition & Supplement

Base on the blood test, if you have any vitamin deficiency, doctor will prescribe supplements. Overall now, I try to eat more chicken, salmon, spinach. It is important to have a well-balance diet, exercise, drink more water, try not to eat processed food or deep fried food. Sleep at  or before 11pm. I took multivitamin, turmeric, Astaxanthin, algae supplement.

I realized during my period, I have more hair fall. So I try to drink red date tea, or eat some dang gui chicken. I am not exactly into herbs, and everybody's body is different. So, you can always check with your doctor or Chinese physician if you are suitable to take these supplements or herbs.

12) Other videos

I really like Lylah Kay, who shares about hair loss problems and what solutions are available. She keeps her video straight to the point.. Here are some of her videos:

My Trichology Consultation Part 1 (+ New Hair Loss Updates)

Trichology Consultation (Part 2): Important Takeaways!

Encouraging video from Dr. Schultz on a type of sudden hair loss called Telegen Effluvium:

Rapid Hair Loss - Telegen Effluvium [ Epi #516]

I also love the videos that Lauren M Violet shared, very informative. - Believe that your hair will grow back. 


13) Other gadgets

I just bought the irestore but didn't use it, because I read on the reviews that some hair will fall off first before it starts grows back. So currently, my husband is using it. 

Latest update: This is a picture above of my hair and scalp at that time, and now gradually I feel that my hair is growing back. I did a lot of research and steps, trying my best to retain the remaining hair. I even bought some wigs. At one point, I was hopeful as I saw baby hair, and once again due to stress, my hair starts thinning again. 

Then I slowly didn't care about it so much, and then my hair slowly grew back.  Overall I felt that it is important to find out if there are any other underlying health problem, manage stress level, massage your head to get rid of the "wind" in your scalp. Find the right shampoo, wash your scalp everyday and dry your hair.  I hope everyone will eventually find a solution to their problem. =) 


Saturday, December 8, 2018

Assisting in Your Own Healing by Louise Hay

Relaxing music

Rest in fullness =)

Relaxing Piano Music: Sleep Music, Water Sounds, Relaxing Music, Meditation Music 

Sonicaid - Music for the Mind, Happiness

Sonicaid - Music to Encourage Stress Relief

壓力、緊張感瞬間消除!! 輕音樂[2小時]第二輯 美麗的音樂樂章 陪伴您進入睡眠狀態(多巴胺分泌)

The correct way to breathe in

Breast massage

Lymphatic breast massage

How to do a Breast Self-Massage

First post =)

My first entry here, I decided to start a blog about health & wellness. 

I wanted to document few good articles that I've found on the internet and just share it on my blog, and if it helps me, I hope it helps others too. 

Some healthy tips i get from various sources

Gut healing

Eat prebiotic and probiotic (e.g. unsweetened yoghurt). Prebiotics (e.g. asparagus),  is like soil to grow good bacteria
- no overuse of antibiotic
Saliva production is important
- Avoid drinking with meals, dilute natural digestive enzyme. Choose fermented like kefir or yoghurt based drinks
chew food properly before swallow
Bone broth is good for your gut health
Eat more probiotic rich or fermented food like Kimchi, yoghurt, sauerkraut, kombucha, milk kefir, tempeh, Miso soup
- Fennel seeds tea can help get rid of gas
Avoid supper, give yourself time to digest food before heading to bed
- Avoid stress eating, eat when relaxed. Stress hormones can cause indigestion

General health

Sleeping before 11pm
Chamomile tea helps you to improve your sleep
- Proper hydrationdrink water one sip at a time
- Zero calorie drink black coffee, lemon juice with water, green tea. 
Deep breathing, breathing through nose instead of mouth
Exercise and sweating
- Contrast between exercise and recovery, to allow body to heal
- Walk 10,000 steps per day, 30 mins of aerobic activity to boost heart rate, strength training every other day 15 mins, include light weight, resistance bands, or yoga.
Good Posture
Supplement (e.g. Multivitamin, manuka honey, algae, aloe vera juice, ginger, turmeric)
- Chiropractor, massage, acupuncture
For lymphatic health, you can try dry brushing. rebounder or Lymphatic Drainage Massage (LDM)
- Go to spring for healing & sauna
- Soak in bath tub adding Epsom salt in the water, and apply magnesium lotion 
- Mindfulness / Meditation (Positive thoughts raise vibration)
- Cleanse Liver
- Castor oil healing
- Diffuse essential oil, use of essential oil
- Sunlight, Earthing
- Detox, Cleansing, eliminate toxin
- Clean air
- Music 
Enjoy morning
- Laugh

Healthy eating
- You are what you eat. 99% of disease don't come from our genes but from lifestyle and environment, our genes don't control our lives, we control them.
- Try to eat 80% vegetables, 1 to 2 pounds a day, 20 species per week, vegetable prevent oxidation, loaded with fiber, eat meat as a treat
- Don't overeat, stop when you are 75% full, keep 25% for digestion
- Add herbs and spices in diet, spice up your meal
- Eat wide variety of fresh Organic food, natural food easy for bowel movement
- Rainbow diet 
- Fasting
- Juicing ( 80%green 20% fruits), cold pressed, look for slow juicer that is easy to dissemble and easy to wash

(Information i got from farmz, Mark Leong shares alot of knowledge on his seminar, here are the list of vegetables and fruits for juicing)

- Green smoothie is good if you don't like to eat vegetables, and makes it easier to have your daily vegetable intake, it is best to consume smoothies on empty stomach. Best time to drink smoothie is upon waking up, or after workout session, but if you can't don't worry about the time taking it. 
- Glycemic index is a measure that ranks carbohydrate according to how they affect glucose level (1-100). Low GI(50 or less), Medium (56-69), High GI (70+)
- To stay young, can take selenium from brazil nuts, 2 nuts per day. Vitamin E and C is essential
- Limit your sugar intake, e.g. soda , glucose is fire of inflammation
- Always carry food with you, Nuts (almonds, walnuts), a piece of fruit 
- Plan your healthy meals ahead
- Avoid trans-fat
- Stock up on vegetables and fruits 
- Cut down on your portions, use a smaller plate and fill up your plate smartly
- Write down what you eat, can help you in meal planning. Journaling helps to record, thoughts, ideas, inspiration, help to set goals and track progress. 
Track your progress, weigh yourself regularly, don't rely too much on mirror, how you feel and look, take pictures, take body measurements (Rate 0 to 5, your sleep, stress, hunger, fatigue, track your lifts- weight)
Say no to Junk, processed, sweets and fried foods, these empty-calorie meals which offer no nutritional value
 - Avoid gluten, hard to digest
- Sprouted seeds rejuvenate, raw food
- Omega 3 fatty acid important
Avocado is good fat for you
- Avoid MSG, pesticide residue, mercury, any product claiming to be low-fat is most likely loaded with sugar
- Switch to basmati rice or brown, black, red, purple rice
- Toxic and safe fats . When we eat out, we are not sure which oil they use for cooking, so it is best to do your own cooking. Vegetable oil are highly unstable, they oxidize, increase inflammation

- Don't visualize or fantasize losing weight, you will give up easily. Be optimistic and realistic on set backs, note top 2 benefit would come from it, and also 2 bigger obstacles that may deter you attaining your goals. (e.g. I will look great in dress, but can't say no to sugar).
- If have craving, go for water first.
- When eat healthy food full of nutrients, body metabolize differently, accelerate fat loss by reducing appetite, curb craving and significantly improve health
- Fail in dieting, should opt for lifestyle change. E,g, one month of calorie restrictive diet, you will lose weight at a cost, lose lean muscle without exercising. To celebrate, usually go for a treat after diet. The body metabolism is damaged, the body thought famine is coming. It is easy to gain all the weight back, or gain even ore than loss. 
- Anti-inflammatory and inflammatory food 

- Acid & Alkali food, try to eat more alkaline food
- When we eat food and digest it, we get energy which is also calorie. The digestive system is like a slow burning fire, burning the food to create energy. As the fire burns out, the food waste becomes "ash", which can be acidic or alkaline based on the food we have eaten. If your diet is unhealthy, it is acid forming and becomes difficult to digest. The body takes minerals from our bones, to buffer the PH. 
- If you eat a lot of processed food, sugar, or fried food, you are left with acidic ash, eventually leads to chronic inflammation and weakened immune system. Our organs are masters at neutralizing and eliminating acid ash, but it can get overwhelmed. Everything has a limit and it starts to falter. By eating more alkaline base food, is not trying to alter blood pH, but we are attempting to take a load off the system, to make it more efficient and reliable
- For optimal level, the important fluid in the body needs to be slightly alkaline, 7.365- 7.45, especially our blood. 
- Acidic food refers to it's PH, the food before you eat them it is acidic, but once digested, they alkalize the body. Acidifying food has impact dropping your PH when digested and processed. 
- Alkaline buffer: When modern diet is unhealthy, acid starts forming, becomes difficult to digest, the body takes mineral from our bones to buffer the PH. 
- 60% of alkaline food is needed for health maintenance, 80% alkaline food for recovery

Eat food with Fisetin, they have senolytic properties ( prevent replication of DNA, reduces risk of aging, heart disease, degenerative disease, and cancer.) , it is an antioxidant found in: strawberries, apples, persimmons, grapes, onion, cucumber, kiwi, kale, peach, lotus root, mangoes. 


Tea for fresh breath

Website: 1 尧妈汤厨发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 4zUicIOeSVfYiUW 😆,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! Tea Ingredients: 竹蔗 Dried Sugar Can...