Monday, April 27, 2020

6 Ways to Switch On Your Fat-Burning Hormones

Content extracted from Website:

Hormones play a massive role in how our body functions and each of them is responsible for a very particular job. While one makes us feel hungry, another does exactly the opposite. While one tells our brain that we need to store fat just in case, another gives us a signal to start burning it like there’s no tomorrow. The trick is to learn how to turn on the hormones that we want and switch off those that we don’t want.
We at Bright Side have always found this really incredible and can’t wait to show this article to our readers.
1. The hormone that makes you feel hungry

Ghrelin is the “I am hungry” gremlin. It’s the hormone that sends a message to your brain that it’s time to eat. The interesting fact is that reducing calorie intake stimulates ghrelin production, and even after being on a low-calorie diet for 12 months, its level is still high. That’s one of the reasons, why low-calorie diets don’t work for the long term. Our body just can’t get used to it.

What to do?

The good news is that intensive cardio exercises can drop your ghrelin level.

Cardio exercises can be almost anything — running, weight training, boxing, boot camp, as long as your heart rate rises up to a particular level. Achieving this level is important and there are plenty of different tools you can use to read heart rate. But there’s an easier way to figure out when you’ve reached it. If you’re breathing heavily and you can still speak, but you can’t sing, then your heart rate is probably at the right level.
2. The hormone that tells you to eat less
Luckily, our body also produces hormones that tell the brain to use more calories and eat less, leptin is one of them. It’s produced by fat cells, meaning that the fatter we are, the more leptin we have. Which sounds great, but it’s a trick. After a certain point, our body gets what specialists call a leptin resistance, a condition where the brain can’t read the leptin signal.

What to do?

The solution is simple, food that is high in antioxidants increases sensitivity to leptin. The list of foods that are high in antioxidants is very long and you can always find something that you like. Losing weight has the same effect, and eventually, the more weight you lose, the stronger the leptin’s effect is.

3. The hormone that absorbs sugar

Insulin is very important for our well-being, it regulates blood sugar levels and helps us to recover from exercising. Our body releases insulin when we eat carbs and it helps cells to absorb glucose. That glucose is used for energy, but if we get more glucose than we need, any leftovers will turn into fat.

What to do?
he solution is to get most of your carbs from grains, veggies, and fruits that have a low Glycemic Index (GI). The lower the GI is, the slower glucose gets released and the more time we have to use it all. This doesn’t mean that you should stay on a strict diet, you just need to substitute high GI food with low GI food. For example, white rice can be replaced with brown rice, or instant oats with traditional rolled oats. It’s simple.

4. The hormone that tells our body to burn fat

Adiponectin is also produced by fat cells and the beauty of this hormone is that it increases our sensitivity to insulin and encourages our body to burn fat into energy. It may sound weird, but it comes from fat and burns fat. And unlike leptin, the leaner we are, the higher the adiponectin level is.

What to do?

You can increase the adiponectin levels by moving more during the day and filling your diet with monounsaturated fats, like fish, nuts, avocados, and olive oil. Eating low GI carbs for dinner also boosts adiponectin production.

5. The hormone that uses fat

Glucagon is a hormone that works in exactly opposite way of insulin. Glucagon helps break down stored carbs and fats and uses them for energy. The more glucagon you have in your body, the leaner it’s going to be.

What to do?

Food high in protein and low in carbs is the best way to increase glucagon levels and it can be really delicious. Fish, meat, seafood, tofu, and nuts are only a small part of the list.

6. The hormone that decreases appetite

Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is released when we feel very strong emotions, fear, or anger, that require a quick reaction, and that’s why it’s also called a fight or flight hormone.
Basically, this hormone is released in very particular situations when our brain tells us that we may need to be prepared to be fast or strong, and it encourages our body to start using stored fat as fuel for energy. It also suppresses our appetite so our body is prepared for quick action.

What to do?

The best and healthiest way to increase epinephrine levels is high-intensity interval exercising.
HIIT is a relatively short workout, normally no more than 30 minutes. Generally speaking, it’s a combination of short cardio exercises, from 30 seconds to one minute, where you go to your absolute max, followed by equal rest time. For example, 30 seconds of sprinting, followed one minute of slow walking.
Don’t have much time? No problem, try this 4-minute Tabata training. Trust us, it sounds easier than it actually is.
Which tip are you planning to start with to burn fat and boost your hormones? Or maybe you have your own tricks? Tell us all about them in the comment section below.
Illustrated by Elena Sorokina for

Sunday, April 26, 2020

How to burn fat

Lower Insulin

- Cut carbs
- Avoid combining protein with sugar, spike insulin
- Lean (low fat) protein trigger more than fattier protein. Fat buffer insulin.
- Excessive protein, large amount of protein convert to insulin
- MSG is chemical enlarge taste bud, more delicious, spike insulin by 200%
- Stress, trigger by cortisol, stress increase insulin.
- Too frequent meals, 5-6 meals a day spike insulin.

Insulin resistance - damage to a point, too much

- Dysfunctional Insulin
- Damaged Insulin
- 5-7 x Higher Amt prediabetic

Insulin resistance

1. Belly fat - despite situps
2. Plateaued - despite eating healthy
3. Carbs reduce stress - less cravings
4. Crave sugar + carbs
5. Need nap after eating
6. Brain fogs
7. Worse eyesight
8. Not satisfied after eating
9. Need to urinate - middle of the night
10. swollen belly as day progresses

Dangerous long term side effects

- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Fatty liver
- High blood press
- High cholesterol
- Stroke
 - Dementia , Alzheimer

Can we do it with food alone?

- Potassium
- Body requires 4700mg per day
- Why?

Wheat Grass Juice Powder

1 tsp - 6-10 shots = 1 tray
100% organic
No gluten No Gmo
Grown on Ancient sea beds
Low heat - Raw
Juice Powder - not just a poweder

Sunday, April 19, 2020

How to Reverse Insulin Resistance

- lose weight, decrease total fat. See if a low carbohydrate, moderate protein, moderate fat works for you.
- intermittent fasting
- eat until full
- don't eat between meals
- release unwanted emotions
- move your body
- don't over exercise
- enough sleep
- say goodbye to bad habits, alcohol, smoking, etc

What Is Leptin?

Lepin is a hormone, message of leptin " Stop eating, I am satisfied".
Fat cells make leptin, more fat a lot of leptin.
Overweight people have high leptin but unavailable to their body, so they will be hungry all the time.
Leptin has pleasure, reward for food.
Keep insulin low, get rid of fat, to heal leptin. So leptin resistance can go away.
No supplement can work for leptin.

How To Reduce Cortisol Levels Naturally For Weight Loss And Stress Relief

How to reduce cortisol 

1) Aerobic Exercise
2) HIIT, short duration 15 secs at a time, increase growth hormone by 300-400%. If sick or not fit, hold off from HIIT.
3) Exercise can be beneficial and recovery. Contrast between exercise and recovery helps body heal. Allow enough recovery.
4) Yoga, highly recommendation, not upbeat
5) Breathing exercise, out breath 5 secs
6) Meditation, pay attention to mind, brain stimulation, deeper level of peace
7) Mindfulness, lifestyle , to how you feel, look at bright side
8) Celebrate, something good happen, pat yourself on the back, milk, soak in
9) Appreciate. look at good things in life
10) Read, make it a habit. if reading challenged, use audio program
11) Positive people, avoid people who pull you down. Find people who make you feel good.
12) Essential oil,  don't use it as nutrition. Smell something, interrupt pattern, pay attention. Time out. 
130) Homeopathy 
14) Herbs
15) Smile and laugh, allow to laugh for no reason
16) Sleep increase growth hormone, enough sleep, regulate sleep
17) Intermittent fasting increase growth hormone, don't take too much carbs, blood sugar rollercoaster, every time blood sugar dips, body makes cortisol. 
18) Stable blood glucose
19) Specific Nutrients help brain and adrenal gland. Brain detect stress, adrenal gland carries orders. Vitamin D3.
20) Vitamin B1 and B5, from food. Nutritional Yeast
21) Minerals, Magnesium, Potassium and calcium, nutrients for brain
22) DHA, fish oil, anti-inflammatory  
23) Adrenal points to calm down, refer to video 26:26
24) Adr. Gland
25) Pets, calming
26) Hobby, exercise, chess club, choir. Anything is fun, feel good

Day to Day

Fried rice from din tai feng


So excited, okra is growing 

18/4/2020 Learnt Zentangle online, also had ktv sessions on mobile phone with friends

Grill @ home

Sakae sushi

Bubble tea

Recently I also bought the figure 8 basic dance, quite fun, dance whenever I have the energy. =p

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Slim Down Calves FAST!

Slim Down Calves FAST! BEST 12 min Beginner Friendly Slim Calves Workout, No Jump (Eng Sub)

anti cellulite massager

Got to know this product from  a masseuse from Taiwan, I took a picture of the anti cellulite massager and was lucky to find and purchase it online. It works quite well.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day to day


Mapo tofu

Oyster mushroom chips

Bought this body scrub

Chocolate crepe cake

Chocolate chip cookies

Gung pow chicken


Tuna sandwich

Dearie bought some goodies

Miss R cooked some sayur lodeh

Dearie cooked Korean fried chicken

Exercised on treadmill


Milk for milk kefir

Microgreen on steak

Seeing 144 angel number all the time

Mei Cai Kou Rou cooked by dearie

Family dinner

Lunch from Tsui Wah

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Recently I tried Prebiothrive, realized I have lesser cravings for sweet stuff and don't feel hungry all the time. I think it works for me, I ordered another 3 more prebiothrive. When I am taking the powder, I try to eat/drink more yoghurt, yakult, kimchi, tempeh.

Tea for fresh breath

Website: 1 尧妈汤厨发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 4zUicIOeSVfYiUW 😆,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容! Tea Ingredients: 竹蔗 Dried Sugar Can...