Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Puffy Eyelids Causes: Swollen, in the Morning, Upper, Pictures, How to Treat Fast, Home Remedies

 Websie content extracted from: Puffy Eyelids Causes: Swollen, in the Morning, Upper, Pictures, How to Treat Fast, Home Remedies - Healtreatcure

What causes puffy eyelids? Get insights on the causes of swollen eyelids in the morning, corners of the eyes, how to treat and get rid of puffy eyes effectively.

Puffy Eyelids

This is a condition that makes eyes look swollen and tired, and often depending on the severity of the problem, they can make it difficult to open or close one’s eyes completely. There are many causes for puffy eyelids; hence some are avoidable, while others are not. However, there are also numerous at-home treatments you can use to reduce the puffiness in your eyelids.

Symptoms of Puffy Swollen Eyes

Swelling of the eyelids is a symptom of an underlying cause, such as allergy or infection. Swollen eyes usually are accompanied by one or more of the following conditions:

  • Eye irritation, such as an itchy or scratchy sensation
  • Excess tear production, resulting in watering eyes
  • Obstructed vision (depending on the extent of the swelling)
  • Redness of the eyelid
  • Red eyesand inflammation of the conjunctiva
  • Eye discharge, or “mattering”
  • Eyelid dryness or flaking
  • Pain, particularly when swollen eyelids are caused by infection

Other Symptoms associated with Puffy Eyelids

  • Swelling or swollen eyelids
  • Bags or excessive skinunder eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Red, bloodshot eyes
  • Irritated eyes
  • Inability to open or close eyes completely
  • Difficulty blinking
  • Tenderness
  • Pain

Generally, touching leads to rubbing and rubbing leads to puffiness. So if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, do your best to leave your eyes and eyelids alone until treatment can be obtained. If you are experiencing all of these symptoms, or if your puffy eyelids are severe, then you should contact your doctor immediately.
Unfortunately, most of us have had to deal with a swollen eyelid at some point in our lives. Puffy, swollen eyelids can cause discomfort, embarrassment, impaired vision, and difficulty applying cleanser or make-up. This problem can become serious if it’s not treated properly and quickly. In most cases, puffiness, tenderness, and red swelling of your upper and/or lower eyelid are indications of infection. And sometimes the swelling can be accompanied by discharge in the corner of your eye.
Depending on the severity of your swelling and the amount of pain you are in, you may want to seek medical attention immediately. You can try at-home remedies first, but if you’re unsure what caused it, it might be wise to ask a doctor.

Puffy Eyelids Causes

There are a number of things that can cause your eyelid to swell. Here are the most common causes:
Bacterial or viral infections can often cause swollen eyelids. These kinds of infections can be caused by improperly stored or misused cosmetics, by rubbing your eyes when your hands are dirty, or by any number of other practices.
This condition, also known as pink eye, causes the white of your eye to become swollen, itchy, and red. Pink eye can also cause your eyelids to swell. This condition has a variety of causes, ranging from bacterial infection to allergies. Sometimes pink eye can be contagious, so double check with your doctor.
Orbital cellulitis
This is a rare condition involving an infection of the tissues surrounding the eyes. If orbital cellulitis is left untreated, it can spread to the sinuses and even further. Cellulitis infection requires immediate medical intervention. It’s more common in children, too.
This is usually caused by a bacterial infection or a skin disorder. In either case, the eyelash follicles become inflamed and painful, and the affected person may notice discharge from the eye, pain, swelling, blurred vision, and a gritty sensation when blinking.
Also called a hordeolum, this is a kind of cyst on eyelid caused by a bacterial infection in the sweat- or oil-producing glands at the base of the eyelashes. It may be accompanied by pus, puffy eyelids, and redness. Styes usually go away on their own within a few weeks, and the healing process can be speeded along by applying a warm, wet compress to the affected eye each day for fifteen minutes.
It usually resembles a stye. It appears as a small, firm, round nodule the eyelid and it is caused by eye-duct blockage in the eye’s lubricating glands. Chronic blepharitis sufferers are somewhat prone to chalazia. Like a stye, a chalazion will often go away on its own, although in some cases surgery will be necessary to remove it.
Eyelid Dermatitis
This condition produces wrinkled, swollen, red, itchy, sometimes scaly eyelids. It is caused by an allergic reaction.
This is an eye disorder, usually affecting children, that causes inflammation and puffy eyelids.
This condition is caused by the Herpes Zoster (chickenpox) Virus. It manifests itself as a painful, itchy rash, sometimes accompanied by fluid-filled blisters. Other symptoms include fever, photophobia (sensitivity to light), and fatigue.
Contact lenses or solutions
Dirty lenses or certain types of cleaning solutions can contribute to swollen eyelids. Dirt on the lens can irritate the eye and the skin underneath the eyelid. Cleaning solutions can also cause irritation. Talk with your doc if you’re having trouble with either of these things.
Additional causes of swollen eyelids include:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Too much sodium in the diet
  • Too much alcohol
  • Crying
  • Too much artificial sweetener in diet
  • Genetics: many people are simply born with a predisposition to swollen eyelids.
  • High blood pressure
  • Hormonal imbalances of the sort that accompany pregnancy
  • Certain medications can cause tissue swelling all over the body. Often water retention is the culprit.
  • Dehydration

Anyone experiencing a single, sudden, unexplained puffy eyelid should seek medical attention from an eye specialist. If you are experiencing eyelid swelling on a regular basis it could be due to an allergic reaction to your face wash, fragrances, make-up, or laundry detergent. If you have no known allergies, there could be a more serious problem.

Puffy Upper Eyelids

Puffy eyelids are those eyes that have suffered enlargement. This can be either on the upper or lower eyelid. The swelling usually results from inflammation or a buildup of fluids in the tissues surrounding your eyes. The causes for this condition range from mild infections and inflammation to more serious cases.
There also are some more specific causes for puffy upper eyelids. Eyelid cysts are one of them. These develop over time and are rarely painful. However, in case they become infected, it is possible for them to become red and inflamed. Another condition frequently confused with cysts is formation of styes. These tend to occur at the end of eyelashes of the upper or lower eyelid and only become visible with time. How long the swelling lasts is determined by the cause and severity.
Causes such as allergic reactions last a short while and will go away when there is not more exposure to allergen. There always will be tell-tale signs of when an eyelid swelling should be of concern. In case the swelling is accompanied by symptoms such as a double vision, abnormal bulging, fever or vision loss, a physician should be contacted. In case of any of these danger signs, you should see the doctor immediately. Do the same if there is excessive pain or if the swelling does not get better or go away with time even after you have tried using home remedies for swollen eyes.

Puffy Eyelids in the Morning

As you continue to grow in age the tissues around your eyes become weak hence, waking up with swollen eyes in the morning may become more common. Although swollen eyes are not typically a medical concern, they can cause you more problems and many people look for ways to reduce the puffiness. A number of home remedies treatments can help control puffy eyelids in the morning under normal circumstances, but you should always consult a doctor if your eye swelling is particularly severe or persistent.
If you woke up in the morning and realize that your eyes are swollen, there are a few steps that you may have to follow and some of them involve the following:
Step 1
Apply a cool compress or cold, wet washcloth to the eyes for roughly 15 to 20 minutes. Do this while you remain sitting upright as you do this and use mild pressure, as explains. This will help bring down the puffiness.
Step 2
Take allergy medication if your swollen eyes are as a result of allergies. Try an over-the-counter antihistamine medication first, but if that doesn’t work, ask your medical provider if a prescription allergy medication would prove useful.
Step 3
As said earlier, remain upright, as keeping your head up may help the fluid pooling under your eyes to dissipate, which then may reduce the puffiness.
Step 4
Avoid excessively rubbing or touching the area around the puffy eyelids. Rubbing and touching the eyelids may contribute to the swelling and create dark circles, as the Dr. Gary Goldfaden in the March 2005 issue of “Life Extension Magazine” explains.
Step 5
Get some more sleep. If you had less than seven to eight hours of sleep, sleeping may help reduce the swelling eyelids. Keep your head slightly elevated while sleeping to prevent fluid from pooling under your eyes.
Puffy Upper Eyelids inner Corner
Swelling of the eyes can cause a lot of discomfort and pain. Swollen eyelids in the inner corner are painful or hurt when blinking, or generally feel sore. The cause of puffy eyelids on your lower eyelid can as well be the same cause of the puffiness on the upper eyelid. However, there are some causes that are more specific to the either eyelids. The inner corner of the upper eyelid on the other hand can be caused by allergy or blockage of some fluid tissues.
According to EyeHealthWeb, build-up of fluid is a common cause of the swelling of upper and lower eyelids. All About Vision on the other hand list inflammation or allergies as a cause of swollen eyelids. However, this condition can be treated with home remedies or naturally.

Puffy Eyelids from Crying

Whether you’re tough or the more sensitive type, everyone needs a good cry from time to time. Crying every once in a while can be good for you, but once the waterworks are over, you still have to deal with your tell-tale cry face. Cue the puffy, bloodshot eyes, red nose and everyone asking if you’re okay. But not to worry with a few quick tricks to counteract the redness and swelling, you’ll be back to normal in no time.
Run your fingers under icy-cold water, then, starting at the inner corners of your eyes, press down on the skin until you reach the outer corners of your eyes. Repeat several times to help drain the fluid that has accumulated underneath your eyes. If you can, follow up with an eye serum formulated with yeast extracts to flatten the area further.
To combat redness in the whites, use over-the-counter drops. “One to two drops per eye is sufficient and should wash away the redness upon contact,” says dermatologist Debra Jaliman, the author of Skin Rules.  Finally, cover up your red nose, plus any other areas that have become flushed, with a yellow-tinted concealer.

Puffy Eyelids Home Remedies – Swollen Eyelid

Avoid rubbing the eyes as this could worsen the condition. Keep the eyes clean as well to avoid getting infections. Where the swelling is severe, persistent or when the use of home remedies does not yield any relief, medical treatment should be sought immediately.
Where the swelling is minor, the use of home remedies for swollen eyelid will help ease the swelling, soothe irritation and relief pain. We look at some of these home treatments and how to make use of them for fast relief.
Drink a lot of water
Sometimes the cause of swollen eyes is dehydration. When the body is dehydrated, it tends to build water reserves within the body and one of the results could be swollen eyelids. Where this is the case, drinking plenty of water can help treat puffy eyelids. It is also recommended that you avoid alcohol as this can aggravate the dehydration. When your body stays well hydrated, this helps to prevent it from going into survival mode and thus avoid getting puffed up in the wrong places.
Cold Water
This is a great and simple cure for eyelids that have swollen up. This is more so where they are caused by sleepless nights. The coolness from the water will constrict the blood vessels thus lessen swelling as well as inflammation. For a number of times each day, splash your face with ice-cold water. Also, the same effect could also be achieved by using ice compresses on the eyes.
Salt Water
A solution of warm water and salt helps to draw out water retained in the eyes in a process similar to osmosis. With less water retained, the swelling is minimized. Place wool soaked in salt water solution on the eyes for a few minutes before doing the same for the other eye using a clean set of eye pads.
Chilled Tea Bags
Both green and black teas have soothing effects for swollen and irritating eyes. Caffeinated tea helps to constrict blood vessels and thus cure the swelling. While lying down, shut your eyes and place warm tea bags over each eye.
Cold Spoons
When spoons are cooled, they help to tighten up the skin around the eyelids as well as relax the blood vessels. When this happens, the eyes are relieved off the swellings. Place the reverse side of each spoon on each eye.
Light Eye Massage
When done in the right way, a massage around the eyes is a great treatment method that can help eliminate swelling. Move the finger from the inside heading outside in an arc shape. Keep repeating this for about ten minutes and then switch to the other eye.
In addition to the home remedies discussed earlier on, you can make use of natural remedies to alleviate swellings on eyelids. These natural remedies for swollen eyelids are easy to use, affordable and readily available. Pick the one you feel comfortable and try it on your eyes for fast relief.
This great vegetable is a great remedy for swollen eyes. Cucumbers contain astringent properties and are not only cooling but soothing as well. They help in constricting blood vessels around the eyelids and thus help in getting rid of the swelling. In case there is any skin irritation with the swelling, cucumbers contain caffeic acid and vitamin C which will be nourishing to the eyes and which help to reduce it. While leaning back, place a slice on each eye for 10-15 minutes.
Aloe Vera
This natural remedy for puffy eyelids contains vitamin E and antioxidants which are vital for eye health. When used on swollen eyes, it helps to improve circulation of blood. It also flashes out any unnecessary fluids found under the eye. This helps to treat any swelling around the eyes. With clean hands, apply this gel around the eyes and allow it to dry up after which you will use some water to wash it off.
These work in the same way as cucumbers. They are effective in clearing swelling on eyelids. They contain starch and have anti-inflammatory qualities. These help in reducing swelling. When used around the eyes, they will also help to get rid of dark circles.

  • Wash a dry medium sized potato and peel it.
  • Grate the potato to obtain fine shavings.
  • Wrap up these shavings in a clean piece of cloth and use it to cover the eyelids.
  • Allow it rest for a few minutes before taking it off.

Egg Whites

These contain ingredients that help in tightening the skin. These will help in getting rid of the swelling.

  • Get two egg whites and whip them in a bowl until they attain a stiff consistency.
  • Add some drops of witch hazel and use a soft cloth to treat the eyelids with it.
  • Leave to dry and repeat procedure daily.

In addition to employing the above treatments, it is possible to avoid getting swollen eyelids. This you can do by following the tips listed below.

Puffy Eyelids Treatment

There are many things that can help your puffy eyes. These include treatments and putting into place preventive measures to avert further swelling. Whatever you do should be determined by what the cause of the swelling is as well as the extent of damage done.
In case the cause of the swelling is allergies, you should use antihistamines and decongestants to ease the swelling. These can be in the form of eye drops or oral medication. Also ensure that you eliminate the allergens. Where the swelling is not as a result of allergies, the use of natural and home remedies can help eliminate mild and moderate swellings. If your eyelids are painful or tender to the touch, the cause is likely an infection, cyst, or stye. It’s important to determine the cause of your puffy eyelids, as treatment options depend on what caused it.
Treatment for cysts: For relief, hold a wet heated cloth over your eye. The warmth can help with oil secretion and blockage. You can do this four to five times a day. If the cyst continues to linger, see your doctor. They can help drain it for you.
Treatment for stye: You can use a warm compress to bring relief and promote healing. It usually takes a few weeks before it clears up. Avoid using makeup while you have a stye, as this can cause reinfection.
Treatment for pink eye: You can clean the sticky and crusty eyelids with warm water and cotton. The eye may get better on its own without treatment. During this time, avoid touching your eyes and keep your pillowcases clean. You’ll also want to stop using eye cosmetics and contact lenses.
What to do if it’s an infection
An infection in the skin is called cellulitis. The skin around your eye will become red and may hurt. You will need antibiotics to relieve this swelling. Cellulitis usually affects the legs but can occur anywhere.
More references

  1. Puffy eyelids:
  2. puffy upper eyelids:
  3. how to treat swollen eyes in the morning:
  4. eyelid inflammation:

Astonishing Benefits Of Raisins Soaked In Water

 Website content extracted from: Read About the Benefits of Raisins Soaked in Water - 24 Mantra Organic

Organic Food


Kismis, or raisins, are well-known and well-loved as nature’s candy. One of the greatest kismis benefits is that it is a natural source of sugar without any additives. Hence, they can give your bodies a much-needed energy boost as and when required. Of course, this fact stands true when you are consuming organic food items. Organic products are untainted by chemicals or toxins that make them healthier than other food items.


If you are looking for the benefits of raisins soaked in water, then you are in luck! In this post, we will explore the benefits of raisins soaked in water along with other kismis benefits associated with the dry fruit.

How to Have Raisins Soaked in Water?

Rinse 15-30 raisins in running water and add them to a cup of drinking water. Let them soak overnight and eat them the next morning on an empty stomach.

Why Should You Have Raisins Soaked in Water?

Raisins offer several health benefits (more on that later). However, it can be tough to extract all its nutritional benefits in one go. Hence, when you soak them in water, you enhance the bioavailability of the nutrients.


In fact, the benefits of raisins soaked in water surpass the benefits of having them raw. The vitamins and minerals present in the outer skin and layer of the kishmish dissolve in water. So the nutrients that would have otherwise passed through your body directly now get ingested through the raisin water. Additionally, soaking raisins in water also boosts its antioxidant content.

Health and Dietary Benefits of Raisins Soaked in Water

Now that you understand the overall benefits of raisins soaked in water, here are some other general health and dietary benefits offered by raisins:

Detoxifies the Body

Apart from soaking raisins in water, one can also make raisin detox water by soaking 150 grams of raisins in two cups of water. The following morning, you can strain out the water and drink it on an empty stomach. This routine flushes out all the harmful toxins from the body and improves the biochemical processes of the liver. It will also cleanse your blood.

However, do this only with organic raisins as non-organic kishmish may introduce chemicals into the detoxifying drink.

Regulates Blood Pressure

Raisins are a rich source of potassium. Potassium can counter the effects of sodium, which otherwise increases the blood pressure. Hence, the balance of salts helps in maintaining the blood pressure in a healthy range.

Supports Digestive Health

Kismis benefits the digestive system by supplying a good amount of dietary fibres. Upon soaking them, the soluble fibres already form the gel-like substance that will slow down the digestive processes. They also have a mild laxative effect, which will help relieve constipation.

Strengthens Immune System

Raisins are rich in vitamins B and C and are also loaded with antioxidants. As a result, they can strengthen your body’s natural immune response. The bioflavonoids present in kismis also protect the body from infections

Promotes Bone and Teeth Health


About 100 grams of raisins contain 50 mg of calcium along with other trace minerals, such as phosphorus and boron. As a result, the regular consumption of raisins can enhance the absorption of these nutrients and strengthen teeth and bones while also improving the bone mineral density.

Prevents Anaemia

Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells (RBCs) in our body. As raisins are rich in iron, they can boost the production of RBCs, thereby preventing anaemia. Additionally, raisins soaked in water act as a good source of nitric oxide, which boosts the flow of blood through the body.

Protects the Heart

Since raisins monitor blood pressure and purify the blood, they are already excellent food for the cardiovascular system. The high fibre content and mineral composition of raisins help in bringing down the blood cholesterol. Furthermore, it eases the load on the heart, which cuts down the risk of stroke, heart failure, hypertension, and other such diseases.

Boosts Performance

Raisins are mainly carbohydrates. The simple sugars are easy to break down and give the body an instant energy boost. The protein content, along with other amino acids help in the recovery of the body after extensive workouts. As a result, having raisins soaked in water can improve your athletic performance.

Improves Sleep Quality

One of the lesser-known raisin health benefits is its ability to aid sleep and improve sleep quality. Melatonin, a compound naturally present in raisins, helps you fall asleep quickly and soundly. Resultantly, you will enjoy a better night’s rest without waking up intermittently. The antioxidants present in raisins also neutralise the oxidative stress found in patients struggling with insomnia.

To enjoy the kismis benefits of improved sleep, you can also soak the raisins in milk, as milk too contains melatonin.


With the above benefits of raisins soaked in water in mind, you should start making it a part of your diet now!

Try 24 Mantra Organic’s kismis and savour the taste of organic goodness.

10 Health Benefits of Raisins Soaked in Water

Website content extracted from: 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Raisins Soaked in Water – Prorganiq

 Also known as Kishmish, Raisin is a very famous remedy for multiple illnesses and diseases. It has amazing cooling properties that can treat anyone.

Raisins are dried grapes made from yellowish-green and black grapes with the process of dehydration.

When you soak any type of raisin in water overnight and remove raisins from the water, the water soaks many properties and amplifies the benefits of raisins. Consuming this water can lead to several health benefits. 

Health benefiting properties of Raisin Water:

When you soak 100 grams of raisins in water, you get the following:

Water, Energy, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates, Fibre, and Sugar.

You get minerals such as Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, and many more. 

You even get many vitamins such as Vitamin C, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Colin, Vitamin E, Vitamin K.

Also, it contains some fatty acids and health-benefitting properties. 

Health Benefits of Raisin Water:

  • Detoxifies Liver

Our liver has so much work to do. As we age older, our liver slows down as fats get accumulated around it.

You need lots of medicines and injections to remove the toxins and fats from your liver. However, many studies have explained that drinking raisin water can detoxify your liver on a daily basis.

It even purifies your blood and improves the functions of the liver so you never have to worry about your digestive organs.

  • Boosts Stomach Health

Many digestive disorders are associated with poor stomach health. Just imagine having lots of toxins and unwanted substances stuck on the stomach walls.

How will your body absorb nutrients? How will the stomach do its job well?

Consuming raisin water can regulate stomach functions and reduce the harsh acids inside your stomach.

If you often suffer from heartburn, acidity or other oesophagal and digestive diseases, it is best to cleanse your stomach every day with raisin water.

  • Antioxidants

Did you know what antioxidants could do for your body? Studies suggest consuming antioxidants rich foods every day as they can help flush out toxins from our bodies and reduce the amount of plaque build-up. 

Raisin water contains many antioxidants that can boost your immunity by reducing plaque formation in arteries and veins. It also helps to keep your body toxin-free so you never get diseases or be at risk of having any infections too.

  • Good For Heart Health

Free radicals and oxidative stress increase the damage with our age. We need raisin water and other antioxidants to treat the damage and improve our immunity.

Our heart’s veins and arteries may also contain chemicals and toxins which have to be removed.

Raisin water contains unique properties that can reduce the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol) and improve the amount of HDL (good cholesterol). It is thus very beneficial for your heart health and can even prevent cancer.

  • Regulates Bowel Movements

Raisins, as dry fruits, contain a lot of fibre that is excellent for your digestive system, especially your bowel movements.

Soaking raisins in water can amplify the effects of these fibres in raisins and help you cleanse your bowels immediately.

Many people drink Raisin water to get rid of several bowel issues such as diarrhoea, constipation, IBS and even gas or bloating.

It is very commonly used in medicines for kids to treat constipation, especially when they’re infants or toddlers.

  • Good For Weight Loss

Who doesn’t want to lose weight or maintain their weight these days? Most of us are trapped in our lives with desk jobs that allow us little movements.

We’re always hungry and fatigued with no or very little mood and energy. Our bodies need healthy sources of sugar and carbs to gain energy and the momentum to get up and work out.

If you want to lose weight, raisins water is excellent for you as it contains a generous amount of fructose and glucose that can keep you full for a long time and also generate energy in your body.

  • Rich Source of Iron

Raisins are a very rich source of iron. Raisin water can be consumed by women in their menstruating or menopausal age as they’re usually anaemic.

It increases the haemoglobin levels in the blood and purifies the toxins so the WBC and RBC can function well in the absence of toxins and chemicals. Regular consumption is advised to improve iron in the blood.

  • Anti-Diabetic

“It has been demonstrated that raisins possess a low-to-moderate glycemic index, which makes them a healthy snack.

They seem to contribute to a better diet quality and may reduce appetite.” (NCBI)

Since it contains natural sugar and with a low to moderate glycemic index, most diabetes patients can consume raisin water to gain energy and remain full throughout the day.

  • Boosts Bone Health

Raisins contain a good amount of calcium that can be very beneficial for your bones, improving bone density and strength.

If you’re someone who has arthritis or joint pain during winters, consuming raisin water on an empty stomach can help flush out toxins from bones and improve bone density.

  • Prevents Cancer

Raisins water contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can work together to prevent cancer.

Studies explain that raisin water is especially great for the colon and other digestive organs. It can prevent colon cancer in both male and females.

Side-Effects of Raisin Water:

Raisins as dry fruits have no side effects as they are completely safe and healthy. Many people consume raisins and their water before anything else in the morning.

Consuming Raisin Water on an empty stomach is a boon for your body.

But can this boon turn to bane if you took it in excess quantities? Yes, of course. Like every other liquid and solid food items, raisin water can also cause minor side effects if consumed in large quantities, for example:

  • Some people develop raisin or raisin water allergy so be very careful.

  • Rare side effects include diarrhoea, nausea or vomiting.

  • Some people may develop breathing problems such as mild asthma.

  • Raisin water may also lead to excessive intake of carbs.


Although Raisin water is 100% safe, make sure you check with your doctor if you have chronic diseases.

Monday, August 23, 2021


Website content extracted from: Scientists Discover New Gut Bacteria That 'Makes You Thin' (

 Can this newly discovered bacterium really help you lose weight? We interview a nutritionist to find out.

For anyone wishing to lose weight, a huge obstacle is to find a method that not only works, but one that sticks. According to the World Health Organisation, some 13% of the adult population were classified as obese in 2016, meaning they had a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or higher. Expect this percentage to have increased slightly in the previous five years.

While we’re always told that changing our diet and exercising are the two most effective ways to shed fat, either by putting ourselves into a calorie deficit, or even doing some strength training to increase muscle mass – which aids in the fight against fat loss – at the end of the day, it can be difficult to stick to a routine and summon the motivation or dedication.

This is why health food stores and supermarket shelves are often stocked with products all promising to help you lose weight, simply by taking a pill or drinking a ‘specially formulated’ milkshake. However, these products seldom provide lasting change and can often be subject to some genius (read: manipulative) marketing campaigns. And after all, we live in a society where convenience is king, so if we can take a pill over running 10km everyday to lose weight claims to offer the same results, it’s no wonder the weight loss product industry is a booming business.

Nutritionist Madeline Calfas, founder of The Wellness Group agrees, saying “Weight [loss] supplement marketing is a billion dollar industry.”

“We are constantly bombarded with the latest magical fruit or extract, amino acid and vitamins that guarantees to speed up our metabolism and have the fat just melt away.”

“The majority of these are selling due to their ability to target those of us who have genuine weight-loss struggles. Any effectiveness that they might claim is more likely due to the fact that supplements are taken at the same time that diet and exercise modifications are made.”

So, what if there was a naturally produced gut bacteria that could help you burn fat? It sounds almost too good to be true (and in reality, it probably is), but a new study has got tongues wagging all about it.

Health-hacker Dave Asprey recently shared the study, conducted by The Science Times, to Instagram. The study found the bacteria, known as Subdoligranulum, was “nearly absent in obese and diabetic people while found in healthy individuals.”

“This new research is groundbreaking because people who are fat or prediabetic (like I used to be) don’t have this newly discovered type of bacteria called dysosmobacter welbionis,” Asprey writes.

“What’s cool about it is that in addition to making butyrate, it causes your body to grow new mitochondria. That’s huge!”

“It’s not available in supplement form, so for now, your best bet is a heavy make-out session with someone who’s really healthy so they can share bacteria with you.”

Asprey then wonders “if this is why fecal transplants work?”

The findings came as a result of a research study conducted by Patrice Cani of the  University of Louvain in Belgium, who concluded that this “bacterium is the only cultivated strain of this bacterial family that exists, the only identified member of a large family.”

It was called Dysosmobacter welbionis, and after studying its effects in mice at great lengths, researchers found “the bacteria increased the number of mitochondria, and thus, decreased weight and sugar levels, on top of exerting strong anti-inflammatory effects.”

While Asprey says it’s “not available in supplement form,” its discovery could potentially lead to such supplements existing. But would it actually allow us to lose weight?

Madeline doubts it. In fact, it’s probably more a symptom of being healthy, rather than a (good) way to become healthy.

“Dysomobacter welbionis is what is known as a commensal bacteria – it is a bacteria that we would simply classify as a ‘good’ bacteria as it appears to offer a benefit to us simply by being in our gut.”

“The study of this bacteria has shown that it can increase mitochondrial function (mitochondria are your energy power cells) and prevent obesity and metabolic disorders in mice.”

“When it comes to weight loss, it is impossible to lose weight simply by taking a supplement and not adjusting any other factors to your life.”

“There are many reasons why people gain (and are subsequently unable to) lose weight, and it is a complex process that occurs in the body.”

People have tried weird and wacky ways to lose weight ever since the 1960s (and probably much longer). In this image members of the Bluebell Dancing troop demonstrate how to use hip slimming machines in a Paris beauty parlour. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)

“There are many factors that may be involved ranging from the obvious poor diet choices through to looking at chronically increased inflammation and adrenal function, hormone dysfunction and genetic variances, as well as lifestyle choices,” Madeleine adds.

“Especially in the current pandemic climate, more of us are living a sedentary lifestyle and are simply not moving our bodies which slows down our metabolic requirements.”

“Having Dysomobacter welbionis available as a supplement could provide some positive outcomes to weight loss, but it would need to be in conjunction with a change in lifestyle and diet, just like weight-loss surgery requires a change in diet and lifestyle.”

Speaking of the diet supplements currently available, Madeline adds, “supplements such as acetyl L-carnitine, an amino acid that helps to transport fatty acids to your mitochondria to produce energy – which essentially helps your body to burn fat – still need to be taken in conjunction with exercise and dietary modifications.”

At the end of the day, doing things naturally is always the best idea.

“They also ideally need to be taken in conjunction with a health professional to ensure it is being used correctly – too much can cause side effects such as an increase in blood pressure, headaches, trouble sleeping, diarrhoea, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting to name a few.”

“There are are few practitioner-only brands of supplements that are designed to help stimulate metabolism and help the body to increase its ability to burn fat for energy”, she adds.

“Some will also target adrenals as well, as it has been known that chronically elevated adrenal hormones can impede fat loss. But these are always in conjunction with dietary and lifestyle changes.”

“A practitioner can give you all the nutritional support you like, but none of that will change if you don’t put the milkshake down and get up and move.”

So, to answer the question – is there really a gut bacteria that can make you thinner? – the answer is a sort-of yes.

Researching the dark matter of the intestine can have its benefits, but rather than wait for some bizarre bacterium to become available in supplement form, it’s a better idea to change your diet, start exercising and allow your body may start producing the good stuff of its own accord.

In other words: there are still no shortcuts. But don’t despair: if you’re after motivation, look no further than this David Goggins video.

See the superfit former Navy Seal, Dave Goggins in action [Watch below]

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