Sunday, May 24, 2020

Aging & Death

Walk tour

Short-tempered when terminally ill or before death


Regardless of how good natured someone will be, their personality might change due to long term suffering, their pain become overwhelming, the things they can usually do easily can't be done now, constantly relying on their closed ones. When they get angry, they will be angry with their loved ones, and they felt bad but they can't help it. Perhaps they are vulnerable but do not accept it.

The best strategy to get along with them is to not be angry back.  Be calm and reasonable.  Anger doesn't help anyone make good decisions or feel any better.  Let them be angry for a while and wait it out.

Think about a time when you were sick imagine it and how you felt, you shut down all unpleasant feeling and just try and get through it, they are doing the same thing, tell them if they are been extreme otherwise give them the love I am sure they showed you when you were sick and simply understand how they must feel, its not them it is the sickness

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