Monday, June 15, 2020

How To Naturally Strengthen Your Knees And Keep Them Healthy

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Our knees are the biggest joints in the body and they support its weight and control the flexibility and stability. The knees are essential so that we can stand, walk, crouch, run, sit, jump, etc. with ease. Therefore, we need to maintain their optimal health in order to lead a quality life.

Unfortunately, knee-related issues are a common health problem these days, particularly in elderly, although they can happen in anyone, regardless of their age. In aging people, the knee problems usually arise as a result of the weakening, but because of numerous other contributing factors like insufficient nutrients, a knee injury, strained knee, poor physical activity, too much sodium present in the body, smoking, overindulging in alcohol, or an inflammatory condition like arthritis and osteoarthritis.

How to Strengthen the Knees Naturally

  • Be more physically active and do knee-strengthening exercises
Regular physical activity is a must if you want your knees to be healthy and strong. The best exercises to make the knees stronger and align the joints and thus, better your flexibility are step-ups, knee bends, hamstring stretches, step-ups, straight leg raises, and single-leg squats.
  • Epsom salt baths
If you have been experiencing weak knees or pain in the knees because of rheumatoid arthritis or osteoporosis, your magnesium levels are probably low so you should soak in baths mixed with Epsom salt because it is abundant in magnesium and it will also bring immediate relief, lower the inflammation, and better the functioning of the muscles.
  • Opt for fish oil
Fish oil is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids and EPA that are known to strengthen the joints and enhance the density of the bones. It also possesses potent anti-inflammatory characteristics which will minimize the stiffness and pain in the joints. You can obtain it from foods like salmon, mackerel, and tuna. Make sure you eat them at least twice per week or supplement with 6 grams of fish oil per day. However, consult your physician before you start using supplements.
  • Eat anti-inflammatory foods
Since inflammation is a contributing factor to weak and painful knees, you need to address the inflammation to address the problem. Anti-inflammatory foods can help you achieve this so make sure you introduce more olive oil, salmon, flaxseed, tart cherries, turmeric, walnuts, spinach, sweet potatoes, avocados, and blueberries to your diet. Stay away from white rice, white flour, soda drinks, and saturated fats because they encourage inflammation.
  • Maintain a healthy weight
When you are overweight or obese, there is a lot more pressure onto the knees which consequently worsens existing knee problems. Therefore, manage your weight and try to lose weight if necessary, of course, in a healthy way, not through crash diets.
  • Massage therapy
This therapy can be excellent for the knees in minimizing the pain. It will also make the joints and muscles stronger and enhance the blood flow. Warm up some coconut or olive oil and use it to massage the knees in circular movements and gently for 10 minutes. Repeat the massage on the daily.
  • Swimming
This is a great exercise for individuals who experience knee pain due to arthritis because it is low impact and involves the whole body. This physical activity is beneficial for the overall health, especially for the knees and muscles. Try to swim at least half an hour, 5 days per week.
  • Elevate the calcium levels
Calcium is pivotal for healthy and strong bones so not having enough of it has a negative impact on the bones, i.e. it will weaken and thin them and lead to osteoporosis. Since the body cannot produce it on its own, we need to acquire it through our diet. It is present in foods like milk, cheese, sardines, almonds, dark leafy greens, blackstrap molasses, fortified cereals and orange juice, as well as quality calcium supplements.
  • Increase your vitamin C
Vitamin C contributes to the formation of collagen which is the main element of the knee cartilage. The vitamin is also necessary for proper bone development, bone matrix’s quality, and bone density. Increase its levels by eating more bell peppers, strawberries, oranges, lemons, papayas, kiwis, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and spinach.
  • Boost your vitamin D levels
Insufficient vitamin D may elevate the chance for fractures and have a negative impact on the bones. It also messes up with the calcium absorption. The best way to acquire it is from the sunrays, early in the morning. There are also foods abundant in vitamin D like egg yolks, dairy, cod liver oil, fish, and fortified cereals.

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