Tuesday, July 7, 2020

6 Ways to Care for Your Bipolar’s Ever-Changing Moods

Website extracted from: https://www.bphope.com/blog/environmental-changes-bipolar-disorder-cycling-guide/?fbclid=IwAR1qQqQRShRZ1CdA2-5sZRpFycuaV4P_cZLh1GOOJD8CaIKbCzZqNlItB1g

Last Updated: 31 May 2020

Managing my mood disorder is a lot like caring for the planet—here are my best “climate control” practices for stabilizing energy and well-being.

An illustration of gears of varied sizes and shades of green, arranged in the shape of a heart. Within the center of each gear is a shape associated with recycling or environmentalism.

Almost everyone is engaged in some form of caring for our planet these days: recycling, biking to work, and/or conserving resources are common efforts. Just like many of us do our part to care for the earth, many of us do our part to manage our bipolar—and, as it turns out, there’s a lot of overlap between the two.
So, what can we learn about bipolar from the climate? Well, both are ultimately under nature’s control; both are processes we can help or hurt; and, in both cases, we need to be ready for anything. I like how André 3000 put it: “You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can’t predict the weather.”
Here are a few environment-care practices I’ve translated into bipolar self-care practices:

#1 Use renewable energy

= We find healthy ways to re-energize.
Exercise, talk therapy, meditation, adequate sleep, and support teams are common sources of positive energy. Renewal can even come from something as simple as a quiet cup of coffee with the morning paper, a smile from a stranger, or a favorite song playing on the radio. Know which activities and interactions replenish your soul and seek those out whenever possible.

#2 Avoid combustible energy

= We stay away from toxic approaches to managing moods, feelings, and thoughts.
Recognize that there are some ways of coping that are destructive and unhealthy—like substance abuse, overspending, or aggression. Nothing good comes from these things, and they can accumulate in the soul, polluting it for ages.

#3 Observe emissions standards

= We follow doctors’ recommendations on pharmaceuticals.
One of the most effective approaches to reducing atmospheric pollution is when governing bodies set emissions standards to which companies and/or individuals must adhere. Similarly, when our experts (our doctors) recommend medication for bipolar disorder—we are best served by respecting that directive.

#4 Reduce waste

= Cut back our schedules and responsibilities in order to gain better flexibility for managing bipolar.
Not everyone is cut out for a 9-5 gig with a company or an overflowing social calendar. When moods are cycling, it can be hard to find and use our good judgment. Remember not to take on more than will be manageable later.

#5 Recycle

= We turn destructive (hypo)manic energy into something positive.
Acknowledging a surplus of energy is the first step; finding a way to redirect it into safe and productive behavior is the key. Chores around the house, self-care activities, and small arts or crafts projects are perfect for burning off a bit of frivolous brain and/or body energy.

#6 Compost

= We recognize nature’s process of breakdown and revival.
Compost for a garden is made with scraps of old food and other organic matter. Nature does its thing, and the result is nutrient-rich soil—perfect for growing plants. Likewise, we may sometimes feel depressed, but it’s important to remember our bipolar nature. It will do its thing, and we will see light at the end of the tunnel. (Even if we have to pass a few worms on the way.)

On reducing our bipolar footprint—

There ARE things we can do to counteract the unpleasant—and sometimes harmful—side effects of the disorder. Even if it’s simply recognizing that some of our most extreme feelings and thoughts may actually be symptoms of a biochemical neurological process. So, let’s wipe the footprint off our backs—we might not have total control over our brain chemistry, but we don’t have to let it stomp all over us. Knowledge is power!


It’s Not Easy Being Green by Kermit the Frog
Heal the World by Michael Jackson
Ms. Jackson by OutKast
War by Edwin Starr
Bicycle Race by Queen
9-5 by Dolly Parton
Under Pressure, isolated vocals by Freddie and Bowie
*Ever get a song stuck in your head? Well, I often get bombarded with them when I’m writing—so, these are my musical muses for the post.
Brooke Baron has a BA in English, a minor in philosophy, and a lifelong obsession with language. Although born and raised in Alabama, she has been a proud California resident for 10+ years. During a professional stint in Silicon Valley—in both the corporate and private business sectors—she handled internal and external communications, office design and construction, photography and graphic design, executive assistance, and functioning on very little sleep. Brooke now specializes in "New Human Orientation" from her home in the suburbs. She has a young, loving, growing family of five and is fueled by that love and coffee. In addition to caring for the rest of Team Baron, she enjoys writing, reading, researching miscellaneous topics, and funneling manic energy into creative projects. With so many balls in the air—including bipolar II disorder—balancing her life is like balancing two kangaroos on a see-saw. She offers consulting services for the bipolar community at Better Bipolar Balance.

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