Monday, August 10, 2020

7 Sure Ways to Firm Up Your Breasts After Losing Weight

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Although saggy breast are a completely natural way for the body to respond to weight loss, many women feel insecure because of it. It’s true that breast tissue can’t completely return to its initial condition but the right combination of exercising, healthy eating, and some additional measures can definitely improve the situation.
To make your breasts firmer and say goodbye to sagging, follow these tips suggested by Bright Side and you’ll see the first results in a month. As a bonus, at the end of the article you’ll find 3 effective exercises that are a must if you want to improve your breast shape.

1. Exercise your whole body, not just your chest muscles.

It’s true that training your chest muscles is the key to having firmer and fuller breasts. But technically speaking, you can’t “lift” the breasts themselves since they consist mostly of fatty tissue and mammary glands. However, you can sculpt the nearby muscles to make the breasts look more toned, but working just your chest muscles won’t do the trick. You need to engage your whole upper body to improve your posture and the appearance of your breasts.

2. Watch your posture.

Maintaining the proper posture not only makes you look better, but also removes the unnecessary stress on the joints and tissues that can contribute to sagging. Good posture helps distribute the weight evenly and prevents chest and back pain. Remember that you should always stand with your shoulders back, your head straight, and your stomach tucked in. To maintain this posture just imagine you’re standing against a wall to measure your height!

3. Choose the right bra that provides enough support when you’re working out.

A nice fitting bra provides support and reduces the strain on your breasts. The right bra should reduce the breast motion but not be too tight, so it doesn’t restrict the blood flow. Always wear a bra during high-impact activities like running. Keep in mind that you don’t have to wear it all the time like, for example, when you’re just walking. Some research suggests that wearing a bra all the time can actually make your chest muscles weaker, which may contribute to sagging.

4. Adopt proper eating habits and maintain a healthy weight.

Of course, healthy eating alone can’t prevent or completely restore saggy breasts. But sticking to a well-balanced diet will help you to avoid constant weight fluctuations that can cause further damage to breast tissue. Eating plenty of healthy fats like fatty fish, oils, nuts, and avocados can improve the condition of your skin, making the breasts look firmer. Also make sure that you drink plenty of water to promote skin elasticity.

5. Use topical remedies as a support measure.

Unfortunately, no cream can perform miracles or repair damaged tissue. The molecules of any topical ointment are too large to penetrate the skin at deep enough levels to be able to cause a significant amount of regeneration. But these remedies work well on the upper levels of the skin and can dramatically improve its condition, making it look tighter, brighter, and more hydrated. Choose products that are suitable for your skin type and don’t forget about using sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

6. Try massage

Breast massaging can help improve blood flow and strengthen the breast tissue. Massage your breasts in an upward motion every day for 10-15 minutes. You can also use different oils depending on the condition of your skin. For example, olive oil is a great source of antioxidants that can improve skin texture and elasticity.

7. If you smoke, quit!

Smoking greatly contributes to the aging process that causes tissues to become less firm and elastic. Smoking has also been connected with the destruction of elastin and collagen that are responsible for the beauty of your skin. It also worsens the blood flow and slows down the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your cells, which may cause premature wrinkles.

Bonus: Try these effective exercises for firmer breasts

1. The bench chest press

The bench chest press is a great exercise you can use to tone your muscles and increase the chest muscle mass to make the breasts look fuller.
  • Lie on a bench with dumbbells in your hands. Your arms should be bent at the elbow at a 90 degree angle and parallel to the floor.
  • Push the dumbbells up and hold this position for a second.
  • Lower the dumbbells bending your elbows until you return to the starting position.
  • Do 3-5 sets of 12-15 reps.
You can replace the dumbbells with a barbell and change the bench incline to target different areas of the chest muscles.

2. Push-ups

Push-ups are a compound exercise that engages the whole upper body, focusing on the chest muscles.
  • Get in the plank position with your hands placed wider than shoulder-width apart. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your toes.
  • Slowly bend your elbows trying to touch the floor with your chest.
  • Do a strong push and return to the initial position.
  • Do 3-5 sets of 12-15 reps.
If you can’t maintain the proper posture during this exercise, perform it on your knees or against a wall. If you feel comfortable enough, you can try different hand positions to target different muscles.

3. The chest butterfly exercise

The chest butterfly exercise perfectly stretches the chest muscles, improving the posture and making the muscles stronger at the same time.
  • Lie on a bench with your feet on the floor and dumbbells in both hands.
  • Raise your arms, and put a slight bend in your elbows, holding the dumbbells above your chest. This will be your starting position.
  • Inhale and slowly open your arms to the sides, until they’re parallel to the floor. You should feel a stretch in your chest and shoulder area.
  • Exhale and return to the starting position.
  • Do 3-5 sets of 12-15 reps.
You can perform this exercise on a stability ball to improve your core strength as well. Remember that you shouldn’t feel any pain during this exercise.
Do you know of any other methods that can help improve the shape of the breasts? Or maybe you’ve tried some of the methods mentioned in the article? Share your ideas in the comments below!
Preview photo credit
Illustrated by Daniil Shubin for Bright Side

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