Friday, August 21, 2020

How to intermittent fast without harming your thyroid

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Fasting diet tips for people with Hashimoto’s and an underactive thyroid 

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a popular diet approach for many people—including those diagnosed and undiagnosed with thyroid conditions. A lot of research has shown that IF might be beneficial for improving health (1-5).
If you have thyroid issues, you should take a cautious approach towards implementing intermittent fasting into your lifestyle. 
  • Talk to your physician
    Nobody can replace the vast knowledge doctors have on your health. They’re qualified to give you advice on whether this diet is safe for your general health.
  • Start slowly
    Begin with short fasting protocols (12:12 hours or 14:8 hours). If you go from being a frequent eater to not eating for 16 hours a day, you’ll activate several molecular mechanisms that put your entire body in a starvation mode. Starvation mode fully changes the pattern by which thyroid hormones are produced, so you might be at risk of gaining weight and worsening your general health (6-9).
  • Be aware of what you are eating
    Your gut microflora will change when you adjust your dietary habits. Try to keep consuming components of a healthy diet in proper serving sizes. Sugar enables bad bacteria to prevail so it’s beneficial to have a low intake (10,11). If you have a sweet tooth, try dark chocolate. According to a BOOST Thyroid survey, people who ate around 50g or less of at least 70% dark chocolate a max three times per week didn’t gain weight. Also, dark chocolate is anti-inflammatory (12-16). Consuming dairy or other inflammatory agents is counterproductive when intermittent fasting, as your body will use the time of rest (12-16 hours) to repair the correlated damage instead of resting.
  • Choose your teasYou can have tea and black coffee while you fast. Some teas (like green tea and oolong tea) are great to jumpstart your metabolism and can enable you to be productive before your first meal. (17-19)
  • Don’t over exercise
Increasing exercise routines  while you’re starting intermittent fasting might quickly deplete your thyroid hormones (20, 21).
  • Don’t take painkillers on an empty stomach
Certain painkillers are better to use than others for people with autoimmune conditions. If you’re taking NSAIDs, make sure you take them after you’ve eaten. 
  • Make sure you’re getting the right vitamins
 Iodine, omega 3, selenium, and zinc are crucial for thyroid health.
  • Don’t stress
Stressing over intermittent fasting is counterproductive—as stress can substantially harm your gut and the damage takes a long time to repair.
  • Be aware of food triggers
If you’re not sure what foods trigger flare-ups, try to avoid making a full meal out of dairy or wheat-based products. According to our survey, 7 in 10 people with Hashimoto’s have a problem with dairy, wheat, or both. If you eat foods that trigger your immune system during IF you might feel increasingly tired and unable to concentrate on your daily tasks.
  • Look out for signs of thyrotoxicity
If you notice you are losing weight and have shaky hands and palpitations, it may mean you are taking more thyroid hormones than your body needs. This is a state of thyroid hormone overtreatment (thyrotoxicity) and you should check in with your physician as soon as you can.

If you intend to do the 16:8 fasting protocol, work your way up.
Increase the number of fasting hours every day by about 20 minutes and do it five days per week. Leave weekends or any other two days without an increase. This way you will increase the number of fasting hours by 6.5 hours a month, and if you started with 8 hour fasting (while you are asleep) you can expect to be on a full fasting schedule in 1.5 months.
If you intend to do a 5:2 fasting schedule, start similarly to 16:8 and slowly eat less food from one day to the next.
Track diet and symptoms in BOOST Thyroid, and observe how your health improves through time.

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