Monday, August 9, 2021

5 Natural Remedies for Gout

 Website content extracted from: 5 Natural Remedies for Gout – Smarter Nutrition

Symptoms that can last for days, can seem to appear at random, and cause throbbing pain… this is what gout sufferers say their condition feels like. And like so many other health issues, gout pain is linked to inflammation. If you’ve ever suffered from gout, then you know just how incredibly painful this can be.

Many sufferers report that gout is so painful that even the slightest touch to the inflamed joint can be difficult to bear. So let's look at the specifics when it comes to gout, and how inflammation specifically relates to this condition. We will also look at a few natural and unique ways to combat gout.

Defining Gout

Gout is a type of arthritis that is caused by uric acid crystals that have built up in the joints. When the body doesn’t handle uric acid properly, these uric acid crystals can cause symptoms, such as painful attacks in the joints. These gout attacks can cause warmth, swelling, and redness in the affected joint, as well as a tremendous amount of pain.

The joint most commonly affected by gout is the joint that is located at the base of the big toe. However, there are other joints that can be affected by gout as well, including the elbows, fingers, and wrists.

Once a gout attack comes on, the pain typically lasts anywhere from a few hours to a few days. However, it is possible for gout attacks to last for a few weeks.

Unfortunately, when it comes to gout, many people will experience it more than one time, and sadly, some people suffer from chronic gout attacks which significantly impact their quality of life.

The Gout and Inflammation Connection

When you are dealing with gout, you are also dealing with a ton of inflammation going on in the affected joint that can contribute to the pain, redness, and swelling. When you have a buildup of uric acid crystals in your joints, these crystals will cause the release of cytokines. Cytokines are inflammatory messengers in the body which send the message to bring both neutrophils and white blood cells to where the inflammation is, and in this case, it’s your joints.

Are There Natural Ways to Combat Gout?

So we know that gout is painful, and we know that it’s an inflammatory condition. Now what? What can you do to help combat gout and reduce these terrible symptoms?

Let’s take a look at five ways to naturally help combat gout and help reduce the chance of another flare-up.

5 Natural Tips for Combating Gout

Eat Cherries

Cherries have long been known to help those who suffer from gout. Studies have found some pretty significant benefits associated with eating cherries and drinking cherry juice when it comes to preventing gout. In fact, one study found that those who took cherry juice extract had a 45% lower risk of a gout attack when compared to those who did not take cherry juice extract. Eating cherries was also helpful, and those who ate three servings of cherries over the two days of the study had a 35% lower risk of experiencing a gout attack. The research here is pretty strong; it clearly shows that cherries hold some powerful benefits in preventing gout, so go ahead and add them to your diet. They’re delicious and may be exactly what you need to prevent a gout flare-up.  


Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, holds so many incredible inflammation-fighting properties, that it makes sense that it would be excellent support for an inflammatory condition like gout. Not only can curcumin help reduce inflammation, but it may also be beneficial for alleviating some of the free radical damage associated with gout. A study looked at the use of turmeric in those with gout and found uric acid levels decreased with the use of turmeric nanoparticles. So try adding turmeric to your diet, or better yet, take ahigh quality curcumin supplement.

Anti-inflammatory Diet

Ananti-inflammatory diet is a must when combating gout, as reducing inflammation is central to getting this condition under control and preventing flare-ups. An anti-inflammatory diet consists of lots of dark leafy greens, berries, chia and flax seeds, wild-caught fatty fish, and healthy fats like avocados and walnuts. You will also want to eliminate as many inflammatory foods from your diet as possible, including fried and packaged foods, and reduce your sugar intake.

Try Sipping Nettle Tea

Nettle tea may be beneficial for those with gout since nettles hold some powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Nettle tea is a great beverage choice in place of things like coffee or other caffeinated beverages, and can help support your overall health, and reduce inflammation, a key part of reducing gout flare ups.

Milk Thistle

Enjoying a cup of milk thistle tea may also prove to be beneficial for those with gout, and it may even help lower uric acid levels. Milk thistle is also excellent for liver health. You can find milk thistle in tea or supplement form. Just be sure to check with your doctor first to make sure that this would fit well into your supplement routine.  

The Bottom Line

Having gout can severely impact your overall quality of life, so prevention is an essential part of managing this condition. One great way to try to combat gout is to control your overall inflammatory load through eating ananti-inflammatory diet and supplementing withcurcumin. Things like cherries, nettle tea, and milk thistle have also shown promising results for those experiencing chronic gout attacks. So, if gout is something you suffer from regularly, try adding these natural remedies into daily routines to see if you can naturally combat gout and stop letting this painful condition get in the way of your life.

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