Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Diabetes: The cholesterol-reducing fruit that lowers blood sugar within 30 minutes - Figs

 Website content extracted from: Diabetes: Fig could lower blood sugar and high cholesterol |

DIABETES is a precursor for a host of complications, but rarely produces symptoms in the initial stages. Fortunately, the condition can be staved off with some simple dietary tweaks. One fruit, which has been shown to lower cholesterol, could reduce blood sugar levels in the space of 30 minutes.

It is well known that regulating diet is key to managing diabetes. The pathology of the condition comprises an inability to respond to insulin, which causes blood sugar to spike. Despite its pernicious nature, diabetes will occasionally trigger unduly persistent thirst or an excessive urge to pee. The general consensus among health bodies is that diabetics should be wary of eating fruit. One fruit, however, had been shown to have a lowering effect on blood sugar.

Figs, which have been found to lower cholesterol due to their pectin content, could lower blood sugar when consumed as an extract.

Mounting evidence indicates the fruit has a host of anti-diabetic properties.

Figs may be beneficial as a dietary supplement when used in conjunction with treatment for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

One study suggested fig leaf extract could lower blood glucose and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

These lowering effects are believed to be down to elevated ADA concentrations in figs, which are some of the highest found in nature.

The study showed that adding a dose of the fig extract to a glucose drink helped lower overall blood glucose and insulin levels between 30 to 120 minutes.

Researchers said the abscisic acid in standardised fig extract helps improve glucose.

These findings echo those yielded from a string of studies conducted on animals.

A 2016 study on rodents shown that ficusin, an extract derived from fig leaves - could improve insulin sensitivity.

The extract may also help diabetics by normalising fatty acid and vitamin E levels, as another animal study demonstrated in 2003.

A line of evidence shows eating fruit can be healthy for diabetes, providing them energy and helping maintain a healthy weight.

Diabetes UK explains: "This is different to the free sugar in drinks, chocolate, cakes, and biscuits, as well as in fruit juices and honey.

“A portion of fruit, such as a medium apple, generally contains about 15 to 20 grams of carbohydrates,

“It is better to reduce your intake of chocolate, sugary drinks, cakes, and other snacks than whole fruit when trying to restrict your carb intake, to help manage your blood glucose levels.”

Alongside diet, other lifestyle changes can prevent the onset of pre-diabetes and allow better management of type 2 diabetes.

These include exercising regularly and drinking high volumes of water.

Once diagnosed, type 2 diabetes can last a lifetime. Researchers argue, however, that in exceptional cases, the condition can be reversed.

Pre-diabetes is the stage that foreshadows diabetes, chronically high glucose levels in the blood.

The NHS says: “The earlier the diabetes is diagnosed and treatment started, the better.

“Early treatment reduces your risk of other health problems.”

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